Interest and Staff Application

Thank you for your interest in working with Playaway or Stayaway.  Our staff are the key pillar to enable us to deliver the fundamentally important programmes we set out to do.  We aim to pay fairly and construct the programmes to enable staff to work in a fun but productive environment.  Our experience tells us that you will get a great deal out of working with Playaway or Stayaway and we hope you will consider working for us this year.  To ensure we remain a fair payer our pay structure is aligned with PACE Special School.

If you register an interest then we will be happy to provide more information.  Alternatively if you wish to apply for a place to work at Playaway of Stayaway please click on the button below and let us know the times you wish to work - we will then confirm this and identify your potential pay.

Key Policies

All policies can be accessed on the policy Page at this link. These policies must be read by all staff prior to the start of the programme and each member of staff will be asked to sign as having read them on the first day of the programme. If you have any queries regarding the policy please speak to either of the programme leads or to the Chair of Trustees using the e mail form provided in the Contact Us section of this web site.

The safeguarding policy is at the heart of making Playaway and Stayaway a safe environment for children and staff alike and it is really important that all staff are aware of their responsibilities. The programme leads will provide an updated hierarchy diagram with contact numbers at the start of the programmes to aid the reporting of any issue. This policy has been completely rewritten and I would urge all staff to take the time to read through this policy - prior to the start of the programmes.

Training and experience. We wish to ensure that all staff are trained and have appropriate experience before the start of the programme. We have provided guidance on this in the Staff policy but would urge you to raise any concerns if you feel under qualified. Playaway and Stayaway will be unable to provide any training but guidance and support will be available during the programmes.



The staff payroll is managed by Payroll Ltd.  With the latest GDPR regulations each staff member is required to fill in a form which gives sufficient data for them to produce the Payroll and to ensure we can send you the payroll information to the correct location.  The form below must be completed by all staff by the start of the programme.  We will endeavour to complete the payroll run and transfer money as soon after the Stayaway Programme ends but no later than 1 Oct.  This timescale enables us to run one payroll after the completion of both Stayaway and Playaway. In addition your Bank Details will need to be sent in line with the form below. this only needs to be completed by new staff or if your details have changed from the previous year.


Bank Details

We maintain a record of your bank details as a recipient in the Playaway Bank account. If you have not worked for Playaway or Stayaway before or you think that the details have changed please provide your details using the contact form link below. Your details will be added or updated on tnhe bank account and the message you send will be deleted.



Each staff member must have a valid DBS clearance.  Any member of staff who is currently employed by PACE will be deemed as having a valid DBS.  We will need to ensure all non PACE staff have an active DBS - which are valid for 3 years and must have been run for either Playaway or Stayaway.  All non PACE staff are to complete the form below which will generate an email that will be sent to us. We will check to see if there is an active DBS otherwise we will initiate the DBS check process.  The process is administered by Bucks CC and if you have questions please do not hesitate to contact the Chair of Trustees using the Contact Us form.